In the book Vibration Experiment, I write about noticing what your vibrations are feeling like to you at any given time. The first step to raising your vibes, after all, is noticing or observing them.
You might sometimes feel they are heavy or weighed down. When your spiritual vibes become heavy, your heart and your physical body actually feel heavier than usual, too. It’s an uncomfortable feeling, but once you get in touch with why you feel that way, you are already on your way to improving your frequency.
I have a secret: if you can’t put your finger on why you feel weighed down, it’s a sign to your soul that your spirit is feeling squashed and needs some time to flow more freely. Your mind, body, spirit balance is important and should become a priority to you for a healthy and happy life.
The next step to raising your vibes, after simply noticing them, may sound way too simple or way too difficult.
Here it is:
Sit and be quiet.
That’s it! This simple, or difficult, act gives your soul time to communicate with your brain what it is that it needs.
You can add to this wonderful practice by using your imagination and pretending your soul is becoming lighter and brighter. Pretend you are in perfect health. Pretend you are perfectly happy. Remember that you ARE perfect exactly the way you are!
Remember all of the things that make you happy. Remember all of the things that have gone right for you, and all of the things that you are thankful for. Remember the things that set you apart and make you special.
If a negative thought creeps in, purposefully change the thought to a positive one.
For example, I’ve just gotten all sorts of down on myself because I missed two weeks worth of blogging. I got frustrated and felt bad. The words I was telling myself in my head were all negative, and made me feel worse and worse as the minutes went by. I wondered if writing is not the life I should be choosing.
Then I wondered if anyone reads my blogs anyway, and just as I was sliding down the slope of telling myself to give it all up altogether, I forced myself to think of the positives.
Like, it’s fun for me. I’m thankful that I even have a website to blog on. I’m lucky that I had a social media coach who talked me into blogging and taught me how. I’m thankful for the couple people that I do know that read my blogs, and most importantly, I’m incredibly thankful for all of the growing that will go on in people’s spiritual lives because of the fact that I write about it. I remembered that even if absolutely no one reads this blog within this whole next year, maybe someone someday will and it will change something in their life for the better. I’m thankful I have a computer and the time right now to write. I’m super duper thankful for my dog who stares at me as I write. And, goodness sake, I’m super-duper incredibly happy that now my vibes feel lighter and it is easier for me to smile on the inside. (And now I’ve just overheard someone talking about a broken leg, and suddenly I became grateful that my bones are all in the right places and that today I have no physical pain.)
I’m happy that after this seemingly silly exercise, my heart feels lighter.
So… try it! See if you feel happier, more thankful, and luckier than you did before you started. If not, try it again. It really should work. Even if it doesn’t last all day, it should last for a while.
You wanna be in happy vibe-land, right? No one else is going to take you there!
Lisa DeKeuster – Author of Vibration Experiment