Since we’re here as humans to expand our soul’s learning, experimenting for higher vibes will help fulfill the goals your spirit has set.
Let’s start with 3 simple ways you can improve your vibe level in a snap:
Spend time in places you enjoy.
If a place is giving you negative vibes, get out! You can find a proper, respectful way to do it, but show yourself respect by finding your way to a place you adore no matter how long it takes.
Make decisions based on what makes you feel good in your core.
Forget about what other people think you should do!
Forget about what society seems to tell you to do!
Forget, even, what you think you should do.
Instead, focus totally on what makes you feel good in your core.
When you’re making choices, big or small, veer toward the decision that makes you feel most content.
Do you want to dress that way, or do you wear those clothes because other people say they’re in style?
Do you want to go out tonight? Or do you feel like you should just because it’s Friday, even though your body really wants to relax?
Do you want that job? Or is there something else you would rather do?
Are there people in your life that you’d be better off getting away from?
Do you want to step on a crunchy autumn leaf, skip down the sidewalk, or sing aloud when you’re alone in your car? Do you stop yourself because you’re afraid of what others might think of you?
Do you want to give your opinion? Or should you say what you think the person wants to hear?
How do you even know what they want to hear? Don’t bother assuming what other people are thinking! Everyone thinks their own thoughts, and anyway their opinions are none of your business. Even their opinions about you are none of your business.
Let others have their thoughts and feelings, and you stick to your own.
Improve your vibe level by listening to what you desire within your core. You’ll be absolutely shocked at how it improves your day-to-day life!
Here’s a mini-experiment from Vibration Experiment that you can play with:
Make a game of listening to types of feelings.
Write a decision you have to make.
Write down one feeling you have about this decision.
Write down another feeling you have about it. For example, what would happen if you were to make the opposite decision?
Write down the choice you’ve finally made.
Later, come back and answer this: How did it turn out?
Do the same experiment with other decisions you have to make.
Which feeling tends to work out best for you most often?
Whatever it is, this is likely the way your intuition speaks to you. Keep listening and trusting!
Listen to your quiet voice more so than your loud, over-talkative brain.
Your quiet voice is harder to hear, but it’s so important because it leads you to what is best for you.
Those loud thoughts chatter at you all day, on repeat if you let them.
Your inner voice is who you become, so which one would you rather listen to?
It’s like if you have one friend who bullies you and another friend who has your best interest at heart and a gentle way of helping you get there. Which friend do you want to hang out with the most?
Observe your thoughts, and decide to stop listening to the ones that are based on paranoia, worry, over-analysis, opposing values, or anything else that comes with negativity.
If you have a thought that gets in your way, then get away from it. You make the move. Send those thoughts up in little imaginary helium balloons so they are gone from you.
Getting in touch with these 3 ways to raise your vibes will become fun with little vibration experiments you can do on the daily.
Give yourself a chance at your best life possible- be free and happy to be you!